Why The Spunky Skipper?

What an unusual, but catchy name most people tell me about my website The Spunky Skipper. Why The Spunky Skipper? My response? “Why not?”

Actually, it took a little more time to come up with that name than that response. I’ve had a vision for this lifestyle website for a little over two years, and just now, in 2021, decided to go for it.

I’m not a celebrity. I’m just an average 50 + woman (my husband better say, I’m above average, but anyhoo) who likes to take the bull by the horns and try new things. I looked long and hard at what my life would look like after retirement, and I was a little perplexed.

I’m always busy doing something and it worried me to think I wouldn’t be going to work every day (these days it’s working from home) to a job I love – a job in PR.

Heck, I’ve done a lot (maybe you’ve done more, and I’d like to hear about all of your adventures), but there’s oh so much more to explore. I have so much more to accomplish. I want to take you on that ride, and I want you to also take the bull by the horns (ok maybe take the “skipper” for a Schooner ride – whatever you want to call it, and don’t read into that any other way :).

My vision is to offer a lifestyle website with articles and resources for active adults over 50 who are looking for one useful resource with interesting reads about retiring, being grandparents, traveling, pet ownership, and dating, or who simply want an entertaining read about life. Maybe by reading and engaging in the articles and blogs, you learn a new hobby, meet a new friend or three, or have a laugh or two along the way. We are social beings after all, so engagement is definitely welcome.

Retirement empowerment

Now that you know a bit more about what’s behind The Spunky Skipper, let me explain how the name was created. Life is definitely what you make of it. It’s important to feel confident, valued and respected after 50. We contribute to life in meaningful ways -and in ways that matter to ourselves and to those we love.

Feeling empowered to live that “next life”, our “second act”, or our “next chapter” without reservations after worklife, is part of the voyage to a rich, and fulfilling life after 50. A skipper is the head of the ship, the one navigating uncharted waters – the one we look to for strength, guidance and support. Don’t we all want to be the “skipper” of our uncharted 50 plus territory called life? As a skipper, we have some control. We make decisions, sometimes tough ones, but doing the research and planning for the inevitable is better than having no plan at all. So be the “skipper” of your life, and while you’re at it, add “spunk” to it. Just because we are in our 50s and beyond doesn’t mean we have no spunk left. Enjoy the journey, the friendships, the chuckles, and even the wrong turns along the way. Let’s all die laughing – literally. Life is precious. You are the spunky skipper!

About me

woman holding small dog

I’ve worked in Public Relations (PR) since 1989 (good lord!). Been with the same, kind man for 20 years – married for almost six of those, but who’s counting? He’s into airplanes, motorcycles, golf and renovations (that’s certainly what we’re up to these days).  We have one inspiring 25-year old daughter, who’s a registered psychotherapist. And, we have a wonderful 15-year old Jack Russell named Jessy (aka Jessy Girl. Jessy Bubs. Bubbas) who still keeps us busy and entertained. 

In my spare time…

What spare time, right? I’m a Zumba instructor, and I like to do so many things – garden, cycle, and hike with the dog, but she’s a bit of a menace to walk – always has been. In terrier fashion, stops to sniff eveything. I really enjoy to cook (and will enjoy it more now with our renovated kitchen). I like to read, stream a good movie, sip a glass of red wine and really love a good cup tea or coffee. I like to research and find information that might be of interest to others my age (or nearing my age, to set them up for retirement success). I reach out to reputable experts in specific fields as guest writers, when I can. Things I haven’t done a lot of, but someday hope to, is travel, get my motorcycle license, create and sell children’s books, inspirational books, or whatever energizes me. And that’s this week, kidding.

Welcome to The Spunky Skipper. Please share a little bit about yourself in the comments, and if you like what you read on this website, feel free to share with others :).


fYI: If you buy something through one of the links in my blogs, articles or store, I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. It helps me pay for my retirement (I wish!). It does help me to buy a new pair of prescription sunglasses or fuel other interests like Zumba certification. I appreciate your support. See Full disclosure.



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