5 habits that lead to happiness in your 50s_The Spunky Skipper

Five habits that lead to happiness in your 50s

We've lived for 50 years or more. let's embrace the next 50 in healthy ways

Quit smoking

My mother passed away at 85. She had lung cancer that metastasized to her brain. In the end, it was the brain tumour that took her life, not the lung cancer. Up until that time, her blood work was normal. Her lung capacity was 97%, but here balance was a bit off and her legs would give out. After a frightening episode, I took her to the emergency in April 2020, and they took MRI, etc, and discovered the tumor and cancer then. She passed away three-and-a-half months later. She quit smoking 30 years prior. It’s the years of smoking and being around smoke that hurt her. It’s never really too late to stop smoking and enjoy smoke-free years.


Three ways to quit

Slow your drinking

Alcohol abuse strongly correlates with smoking according to a Harvard study, but plenty of other research shows that even by itself, it is one of the most powerful predictors of winding up sad-sick. If you think you have a drinking problem (or there’s history of it in your family), see help right away. Don’t prolong it.

Slowing down or quitting alcohol consumption all together can be very challenging, but critical if you want a healthier lifestyle. 



Effective way to slow down

5 Habits that lead_Pinterest pin

Maintain a healthy body weight

Eating a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, fruit, protein, and healthy fats, while avoiding intense restrictions and yo-yo diets can be challenging but is crucial for strong bones, muscles, and mental health. Prepping for the week to meet your nutritional needs can help avoid impulsive eating, allowing for the occasional indulgence without guilt.

@SilverSneakers does a good job of describing the ideal diet in this short YouTube video


Five ways to get your daily nurtrients

Prioritize movement in your life everyday

If you do nothing else, the single best, [arguably] time-tested way to get your exercise in is to walk daily. But there are many other activities you can do. Did anyone say, sex? Why the heck not if you’re healthy and willing. You’re not dead yet!




Best ways to get exercise

Keep learning

Ways to Keep Learning

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